Separately from making heraldic flags the artist offers digital redraw of the Full Achievement of the Coat of Arms, Standard and Badges. Her goal is always a faithful and true reproduction, as close as possible to the original painting.
She will use vector graphics to recreate your heraldic design which is a high quality image and can be used everywhere, from social media to stationary letterhead. The digital files can be enlarged to any size without loosing their quality. The usual file format will be PDF, JPG or PNG. If any further changes of the design are required they can be easily done afterwards.
The price varies dependant on the complexity of the design and it can be anywhere between £250 - £600.
Please contact her at svilena.mateeva@gmail.com for a quotation and any enquires regarding a digital redraw of your Arms. Also if you need help with the design of your heraldic flag she would be delighted to assist you and create the design for you.